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The best time to put your brand online was 10 years ago,

The second best time is NOW!

If you’re an art and culture start-up, a business, or a personality wishing to create a relevant and unique online presence as an extension of your work and brand building needs, get in touch.

What I can help you with

  1. Discovering and building on the best social media channels to engage with your audience.
  2. Researching, Brainstorming, and creating social media posts. (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest)
  3. Finding the best hashtags & monitoring them in your market.
  4. Content Research and Creation for Email Marketing (Newsletters).
  5. Website Development, Design and Content Strategy.

What you get out of it

  1. A recognizable and authentic voice for your brand.
  2. A growing brand story with historical context and insights to share.
  3. Engagement with a relevant audience that cares about your brand.
  4. Inspiring and encouraging a spirit of discovery and curiosity through your social media.
  5. A bank of relatable, shareable and interesting content.

Art and Culture Brands I’ve Helped Build (While I thought I wasn’t doing anything™)

Inky Memo – stationery brand
  • Website development and content strategy
  • Social media planning and implementation
  • Newsletter research, layout and monitoring
Playpen Performing Arts Trust – theatre company
  • Community engagement and growth through social media channels – Facebook, Instagram
  • List management and newsletter curation and content dissemination
Minjal Kadakia – calligraphy artist
  • Instagram brand building, content design and planning
  • WordPress site architecture, theme selection, content and administration
Keystone Designs – interior design studio
  • Research, content and implementation of a social media calendar for Instagram
  • Brand related keyword and hashtag monitoring
  • Handling consumer queries on Instagram
  • Instagram insights and analytics
Swardhara Events – music and performance
  • Facebook, Instagram and social media management
  • Newsletter content and audience list management
  • Website content, wireframing, architecture, and administration
Tranceforme – Luxury Furniture Store
  • Developed content strategy for the brand website and online store.
  • Conceptualised and coordinated YouTube brand video shoots.
  • Developed and executed Instagram strategy to increase brand awareness and to drive website traffic.

To discuss your particular project, your goals for your online presence and building a brand in the art and culture space, contact me.